The Tudors, 1485-1603 (AS)

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A highly comprehensive 40-page document on the Tudor period; this resource covers in detail the below bullet-points on module 1C of the AS (Year 1) AQA A-Level History course.

Henry VII, 1485–1509

  • Henry Tudor’s consolidation of power: character and aims; establishing the Tudor dynasty

  • Government: councils, parliament, justice, royal finance, domestic policies

  • Relationships with Scotland and other foreign powers; securing the succession; marriage alliances

  • Society: churchmen, nobles and commoners; regional division; social discontent and rebellions

  • Economic development: trade, exploration, prosperity and depression

  • Religion; humanism; arts and learning

Henry VIII, 1509–1547

  • Henry VIII: character and aims; addressing Henry VII’s legacy

  • Government: Crown and Parliament, ministers, domestic policies including the establishment of Royal Supremacy

  • Relationships with Scotland and other foreign powers; securing the succession

  • Society: elites and commoners; regional issues and the social impact of religious upheaval; rebellion

  • Economic development: trade, exploration, prosperity and depression

  • Religion: renaissance ideas; reform of the Church; continuity and change by 1547

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