UK Democracy and Participation: Revision Notes

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23 pages of detailed, comprehensive notes on the topic of democracy and participation which appears in Edexcel’s A-Level Politics’ Paper 1 exam.

Looks at:

  1. Feature of direct democracy and representative democracy including the similarities and differences between both and the advantages and disadvantages of both 

  2. Liberal democracy in the UK

  3. Milestones in the widening of the franchise 

  4. Debate about lowering the voting age

  5. Influence of pressure groups and outsider/insider groups in politics and how they seek to exert influence. Also consider factors that affect their success. 

  6. Case studies on RSPCA and 38 Degrees. 

  7. Debate around whether pressure groups enhance/threaten democracy 

  8. Other collective organisations including think tanks, lobbyists and corporations and their influence 

  9. Development of rights and debates on the extent, limits and tensions within the UK’s rights-based culture 

  10. Participation crisis arguments 

  11. Reform of democracy debate