US Supreme Court and Civil Rights

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16 pages of highly detailed, comprehensive A-Level Edexcel Politics notes on the topic of the US Supreme Court and Civil Rights. Discusses:

  1. The independent nature of the Supreme Court

  2. The judicial review process

  3. The appointments process, its importance and its strengths and weaknesses/criticisms of the process. Also factors that influence the president’s choice

  4. The impact of the Supreme Court on public policy in the US, with a range of examples

  5. The role of judicial activism and judicial restraint and criticisms of each 

  6. Rights protected by the Constitution, by the Bill of Rights, by subsequent constitutional amendments and by rulings of the SC

  7. The methods, influence and effectiveness of racial rights campaigns and the impact on current domestic policy: voting rights, affirmative action and representation.

  8. Interpretations and debates of the US Supreme Court and Civil Rights